Vessagiriya and Meghagiriya have both been called “Isurumuniya” in the past. At present, the Meghagiri complex is known by the name of Isurumuniya while the “real” Isurumuniya is said to be Vessagiriya. However, there are some who would agree to disagree, so please head over to the ISURUMUNIYA write-up to avoid any confusion. Today’s Vessagiriya complex used to be yesterday’s Isurumuniya, or Issara Samanarama. It was thus a monastery of sorts but set in a network of natural caves with extending drip ledges. We know that there were stupas. There was an image-house for statues, and a refectory built here, albeit nothing actually remains of it today but a series of small stone posts and blocks. This site was built to house five hundred-a rather general terms in old literature for a large number, or else a simple case of hyperbole-monks under the Theravada missionary and saint, Rev. Mahinda.

Written by Vasika Udurawane for Travel Lanka Compass